Mid-Week Missive: Everyone Has a Part to Play in the Body of Christ

The Mid-Week Missive is based on Community Rules: An Episcopal Manual by Ian Markham and Kathryn Glover, both administrators at Virginia Theological Seminary.  I am working my way through this book, reading and writing  through the lens of our Life Together as part of the Christ the King Episcopal Church family, as well as part of the Diocese of the Central Gulf Coast. 

Rule #8: Everyone Has a Part to Play in the Body of Christ. Markham and Glover’s reflection on this rule can be found in their book, which can be purchased here

How does this rule apply to our Life Together at Christ the King? This Rule is essentially a paraphrase of 1 Corinthians 12:27-27 – St. Paul’s remarkable metaphor for the Church. In their reflection on Rule #8, Markham and Glover succinctly and appropriately say, “Everyone has a ministry by virtue of our baptism. All roles are important, especially those that are less visible. We are all called by God to find our role and to play that role.” (p. 19)

Like many (or most?) churches, we at Christ the King struggle with the age-old challenge of a small percentage of folks doing the bulk of the “work” for the church. This lopsided dynamic is true for “time and talent” stewardship (vestry, altar and flower guilds, outreach commission, worship leadership, etc.) as well as financial stewardship. But I try not to get too caught up in trying to “level the playing field.” While I’d love for the “work” of the church to be more evenly spread out among all our members, I also recognize that there are seasons for how, what, and when we are able to give of our selves.

We are all called to give in some way…as the rule says, “Everyone has a part to play in the body of Christ.” But the actual part that we play in the body will likely shift as the circumstances in our lives change. So really, we may have several parts to play, just not all at one time.

One key for us as we seek to be a thriving, healthy, well-rounded parish is to make sure that everyone feels invited to share their gifts, whatever those gifts may be. Another key is for everyone to be invited to step back from one area of ministry to focus on another. No one person can or should have to “carry” a particular ministry of the church forever.

So, if you currently feel like you are not playing an active part in the body at Christ the King, I want to hear from you. I want to know how we can better invite and incorporate you into the many ministries here at CtK. On the flip side, if you currently feel like you are juggling too many parts in your life here at CtK, I want to hear from you as well. A healthy body is a well-balanced, well-rested body.

